How to Sell Cryptocurrencies

People like yourself have been selling their cryptocurrencies for over a decade, and if done right, you can make a pretty decent profit. With over 43 million people selling their bitcoin and Ethereum on a daily basis, there’s definitely something to selling cryptocurrencies. Here, we’re going to show you how to sell your bitcoin and Ethereum on the Coin Blanco exchange.

To get started on selling your crypto coins, you’re going to need to own some in the first place. We offer a great service when it comes to buying cryptocurrencies. Now that you’ve got your own cryptocurrencies, here’s how you sell them.

What to remember when selling cryptos with Coin Blanco

Cryptocurrencies are digital, decentralised, anonymous, and secure, but still they’re currencies and they undergo fluctuations and price changes, just like most currencies. The key difference is that cryptos such as bitcoin and Ethereum are far more volatile, meaning that their market price can rise and fall drastically. That’s why you’re going to need to ensure that you always keep up with the market price dynamics. Buying low and selling high is the way to go!

When to sell

There’s a massive misunderstanding about the financial markets, especially among beginner crypto enthusiasts who still don’t know their way around the said markets. If you’re going to be successful and turn a profit when it comes to selling your cryptos, you’re going to need to know when you need to sell them. Timing is everything!

Fortunately, at Coin Blanco, once you open your cryptocurrency account, you’re given your personal account manager who is there to help you understand the different price fluctuations. If you’re looking for help when it comes to knowing when to sell, go ahead and ask your account manager. They’ll show you price movements and tell you what to look for.

Cryptocurrencies to sell at Coin Blanco

To enjoy the perk of knowing when the right time to sell is, you’re going to need to create a Coin Blanco account. Once you’ve registered your account, you’ll receive your eWallet ID via email. We’ll send it to the email address you gave us during your setup process. Make sure to keep your Coin Blanco eWallet ID safe and secure because if you lose it, you won’t be able to retrieve your cryptocurrency account. We recommend using the password generators such as Keepass for Windows or iCloud Keychain for Mac.

Now that you’ve got your account, you’re ready to sell cryptocurrencies! To sell your cryptos, simply go to the “Sell Cryptocurrencies” page and choose the digital currency you want to sell.

At Coin Blanco, you have the option to sell bitcoin or Ethereum only, since they’re the leading cryptos. When you’ve selected the cryptocurrency you want to sell, go ahead and specify the amount you’re looking to make in return for selling your bitcoin or Ethereum. We pay out in US dollars or euro. You’ll then be asked to choose your payment method. We allow wire transfer or credit card as these are the most secure means of receiving your funds.

If you need any assistance, feel free to reach out to your Coin Blanco account manager. We’re always on hand to assist you. 

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